Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stones and a Temple - 1 Peter 2:1-12

This is the discussion guide used at our Bible study and intended for those who couldn't make it tonight.

What have you built that you are most proud of?  What makes a project like that easier?

Pure Milk:
Read 1 Peter 2:1-3.  What are we asked to put aside (or “rid yourselves” NIV)?  What do these sins have in common?

What are we supposed to crave?  Why?  What is the word of God compared to?  Read Isaiah 55:1-2.  Who is providing the milk?  Why do you think He does this?

Chip off the Old Block
Read 1 Peter 2:4-5.  Who is the living Stone?  What are the two reactions to this Stone?  Why are they so different from each other?

Read 1 Peter 2:6-8.  What do we learn about Jesus in these verses?  What do we learn about how we can (or should) approach Him?

Read 1 Peter 2:9-12.  What are we called?  What purpose does God give us by giving us these names?

Does being put together as stones in the temple make it easier or harder to build?

What is the first thing Peter asks us to do in verse 11?  Why do you think this command is by itself right here?  What does it mean for us to do this?

In verse 12, Peter gives us a purpose for good behavior.  What is it?  How will the Gentiles respond at first?  What will be their response eventually?

Read 1 Peter 2:13-25.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tom for continuing to post these. I'm not sure if others are following it as I don't see comments, but I am following the studies. I'm in Italy right now and this blog is a blessing to me particularly now when I'm away from home and church on a Sunday.

    The verses say to me that I'm chosen by God and he wants to use me along with other believers to build the church, but to do so we have to:

    • crave the word and grow with it
    • be set apart, and abstain from sin
    • walk the talk so others see the difference

    Thanks again.

