Monday, August 16, 2010

Moments and Days - Real Consecration - Sealed Orders Part 4

This is one in a series of posts, sharing the Sealed Orders devotions, day by day, from CMI 2010.  They are based on the "Consecration Hymn," Salvation Army Songbook #525


Think about your biggest temptation:  your weakest area – the one thing that will most likely be your downfall.

What day of the week are you most likely to fall to this temptation?

Now, what time of day are you weakest to this temptation?

Where are you when the temptation is strongest?

Who are you with when temptation comes?  Are you alone?

Paul gives us some advice:  “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.” (Ephesians 5:15-17)

If we know when, where and with whom the attack is most likely to come, we will be better prepared to defend against that attack.

Every moment we have is a gift from God – an opportunity for growth or failure.

If you are really serious about overcoming temptation, you can make a concerted effort to avoid one or more factors that make temptation so powerful in your life.  For instance, if you know you are especially vulnerable on a certain day, time or location, you can make a point to be in a different place at that time. 

If temptation hits when you are alone, make sure you are with a friend or a family member at that time.  If attack comes when or because you are with someone, you need to either change who you are with or invite a spiritual mentor to be with you during that time of weakness.

Challenge yourself to talk with someone you trust this week about a strategy to overcome your temptation.  Some advance planning can set you up for spiritual success.

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